Sunday, January 8, 2012

DEISM: MEMES- GOD "The Lobster"

Lobsters, the immortal animals !

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata 
Class: Arthropoda 
Order: Malacostraca 
Family: Decapoda 
Genus: Nephropidae
Common Name: Lobster
Today I found out a very strange fact regarding lobsters  that I didn't know of. They might actually be immortal , in the sense that they do not age of course! From what recent studies have shown, it seems that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age. Actually older lobsters are more fertile compared to the younger ones!
In other words lobsters exhibit negligible senescence, which means that they lack any symptoms related with aging. However their supposed immortality is not yet proven, although lobsters are undoubtedly one of the longest living animals, with many specimens exceeding one hunder years of age.